How we can help
However you’re feeling, at REST you’ll find open and non-judgmental support
Support that’s right for you
Right now, when you’re referred to REST you’ll get personalised support that will empower you to take positive steps towards recovery.
As REST grows you’ll find more resources and events on our website, you’ll also be able to drop in for support, information, or just to enjoy our community cafe at our Norwich REST hub.
The support we currently offer
Telephone support
A telephone line providing a listening ear, support and signposting
Evening Sanctuary
Short face-to-face interventions for people experiencing a crisis
1:1 virtual support
A range of support including sessions with a trained Peer Support Worker and/or Recovery Worker
How to refer someone else
If you would like to refer someone else to REST, we’ll need their consent to offer them support. You could call NHS 111 option 2 while they’re in the room with you, or encourage them to call. They can then be assessed by a qualified clinician who can refer them to REST for the support they need.
Browse our online resources
Find information and advice on a variety of topics, including more details about how we work, and how you can get in touch with local organisations for further support.